dun felt curious,it's a fact~almost cny,but felt sick,i hate it the most!
but then,now the time for some animal post~ ^^
do u noe what animal can kill u within how many hr or mins???
think about it before?
yesterday I'm watched the TV show about those wild animals,some of them even me nvr noe it before and surprised cos they r really killed the human~XD
give u those common wild animal-
1st-anaconda brazilian
it can kill the human within few mins~if not mistaken,3 hrs gua..
it can make u felt 'kelumpuhan' within few mins,cos those neurotoxin will flow into ur bloodstream and clot those joints and nerve,make u can't move at all.
then It will tighten ur body as well to make u can't breathe,they r very sensitive to the breathing one,so If u still breathe,they will make u stop ur breathing as well until u die...
finally they will open their mouth or throat until double of ur size and enjoy u inside their stomach!!!
and they can last for 6 months to let the food digest and their stomach sure sangat buncit during tat time~~

2nd one-Brazillian Caiman~
wow~this one lagi pandai!
they r very brilliant~
mostly they will appear on the surface of water just with their eye,mouth and surface of skin~
but once they r found the predator,they will sink inside the water and waiting for u to come~~~~
they r very sensitive to the water wave and if u r coming,they will noe~~
their action super fast and can hold u untill u can't breathe inside their mouth~
mostly they r made u felt 'lemas' cos u will felt nervous and can't do any reaction when they r came~
this's the main death point for those victims~~~
ok,now it's the time for some special spesies that U nvr think before~~
a-Cone Snail
U will think..
how r them be harmful to the human??
haha...u nvr noe~
there's living organism inside the snail~~and they will bite u like do the injection using their 'needle and this wil release the toxin~
this toxin will make u stop to breathe and tissue damage if not mistaken~
if u wan to survive,the rescuers must be help u to breath again or else u will die~~
and one more thing,there's no venom to rescue ur life~~~
so next time if u saw a cone-shaped and beautiful 'cangkerang' beside the Brazil beach,u better dun touch it,if not ur life can't be secure~~
2nd one-Brazillian caterpillar
as u all noe,if u touch caterpillar and u will feel itchy.then u just need to seek doctor and u will cure the thing~
but sorry to say that,this caterpillar not as safety as u r think~
if that time u r tear off ur shoe and ur leg touched it,they will release the toxin and destory the red blood cells inside ur cell!!!!!!!!
hey,this's not kidding and really super dangerous!!!
u better get the medicine within 15 hrs,if not,u will face to internal bleeding and can be said that pendarahan dalaman yang menakutkan~
'chinese is-7 long liu xue',means bleeding throughout ur 7 organ~~terrible one oh~~~
3rd one-Toco Toucan
r u all wonder what's it??
haha..it's a kind of toad~~
but once again,dun thought it's beautiful and forget about it's dangerous~~~
mostly toad or frogs r greenish on their body,but for this kind of toad,colourful for their body~~

but they contains poison under their skin,if u touch it,u can say,sayonara to this world~
and no antivenom for this kind of poison too~so be careful dun touch colourful toads and frogs yea~ ^^
last one-the most dangerous spider(Brazilian Wandering Spider (Phoneutria) )
as u noe,spider can kill human within hew hrs~~~
same for this one,but this one more dangerous~~
this's the most poisonous spider all over the world!!!!

and they r very terrible,they like to stay inside those banana strips~ or known as 'timbunan pisang'~~
can u imagine?if those banana export to those European country from Brazil,and carry all over the world,then if u touch it unaccidentally,they will think u r wanna kill them,then they sure defend u and release toxin again!!
once again,the antivenom sure got at Brazil but for other country not sure yet~~~
they will make u felt fainted,vomiting and diarrhea~~
oh ya,before they sense u r coming,they will show some warning to u,front leg will pulls up and can last for few hrs,if u dun realise,u can say,suffer for this spider lo~~
and if u fight wif them,hmm~~dun think they r weak,they will FIGHT bek wif u!!!!!then u also cham!!!!
last but not least,actually many animal r harmful to ur life,like scorpion,stonefish,jellyfish and so on~~
so u must be careful when u r travel to Brazil,or even Amazon there~~
I'm quite surprise with those beautiful creatures can kill human within few mins or hrs~
even some of them dun hav ANTIVENOM!!!
so next time be careful when hav chance to travel to those rainforest again or even beachside too~~ XD
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