'A real fren is not the one who occur long time ago, it doesn't matter wif the time duration.
Even he/she occurs quite late,but if they r ur real fren, they will understand u and even cares u.'
For me, I bet that I had lots of friends.
AS we know, friends differentiate into real, simple or even best friends.
It is same to me.
Today I just suddenly realised,
My best fren really understand me?
There is one case leads me to doubt of this. Is he/she my real fren? Is he/she cares me? Is he/she understand me?Is he/she using me?
Am I so stupid to use by others? Am I just cry n sit here quietly without let others know?
WHy such thing happens on me?
WHat make me so sad was just a sentence, 'Dont u have time for ur fren'?
If u knows me, U will always know my time always for my family.
If I really busy, i REALLY busy with some urgent stuff, even resting time also be sacrificed.
But if my fren asked me to do something n my plan changes n affects me, I will think of alternative plan which still consider help my fren actually.
Just that if u really urgent to seek my help pls let me know. If u din say I don't know for that n I will always think of u have extra time for that.
But do u know? If I think of so much plan for u even I busy but U say that sentence, what will I think of?
Dont u think u r the only one busy? I am also busy with something but I still sacrifice my time for u too.
And even scolded by mum but still help u....
what am I expected for???
Just a sentence. dont u hav time for ur fren.....
And also, even my birthday u forget bout it.
Do u know?
I am not hope to get a birthday gift fr u, I am just wanna get a wish fr u.
It means that U still remember me and also cares me.
But honestly, I am quite sad cos most of my fren forgets bout my birthday.
AM I a person who easier to forget by others?
Sorry if u read this post and felt I may cares bout small thing, but honestly to be say, I am a cancer person who super sensitive even small matter.
So every sentence u say or every action u do I will sense it and know what u think of.
This time I really quite angry of my real fren who knows long time ago but din understand me.
If u r me,what do u think?ANgry?Sad?Forgive?
I may forgive others but not forget the case.....
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