First day, only about the way to singapore. I lazy to describe here, cos so simple and nonsense for u all.
Second day would be the main points and aims for me to sg....
Let u all enjoy few pics of that place:

Outside entrance of Universal Studio Singapore, showed that u r going to explore this place...haha...

Saw roller coaster in this pic? I conquer it!!!haha...and this pic took after U enter Hollywood Street in Universal Studios...

Clearer pic of roller coaster route....

Something like in transformer one...just simple turn and turn.nothing terrible..

Madagascar family~included me??hehe....

Pinocchio!!Cutieeee....but taller than us??haha...

King Julien??I like his voice....haha...

Shrek and Fiona...Am I alike Fiona??

Lunchiee before played roller coaster.....luckily din vomit..haha...

VOmit????Nope,just simply looking at the pail in New York Street....haha....

Am I at New York Street??haha...

Another view at New York there~~ho ho....

Nice pose? Of course!! Gorgeous!!He he...

Fantastic View + Character there. *Clap hands*

Performance for water,fire and fireworks action in water park word: Awesome!

Optimus Prime??or other robotics???oh no,I should escaped!!why I stil stand and smile there??

Looking at them and felt them super tired too...

At Egypt entrance...going to conquer another roller coaster inside this place....cant let u all see,cos this roller coaster really running in dark region and U can feel unknown fears when sit on it...

Took this pic and seriously, I forgotten their names ady...U may remind me of this...

Am I sexy like her???hahaha....

The Lion in Madagascar!!!

Penguins beside away before anything robbed by them!!lol..

Another performance by Madagascar Members....hehe...

Disney characters!! I am smart as him!!lol...

Gloria!!!I got tummy like her!!haha..

Performance by them almost the closing time of Universal Studios...
After leaving Universal Studios, I took some pic before leaving Sentosa Island. Only few pics...

Another Merlion in SG....

Lots of candies!!! Outside Candylicious~~
Ok la...that's our Part 1 photos, took in Universal Studios and Sentosa Island..
Oh ya,forgot to mention, we took free shuttle bus from one of the SG hotel to Universal Studios.. Only open for foreign tourists for that bus and we got 10% discount for entrance in Universal Studio Singapore!!haha...
To be Continued.....
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