but I wont talk much about him here,cos once u opened fb,can see lot of his news dah.
so u just need to open ur fb,then saw his news ba.XD
ok,back to main topic.
what will I talking here?
It's about interesting places and thing that I watched from national geography of china one (世界地理杂志)...
3rd place: Tonga
for this place,there is one interesting place called 'Fishing Pig Area'...
r u thinking of?
instead of fishing the normal fish,then u only can 'fish' pig here??
lol...meaning almost the same,but actually...
hahahaha.....yea. it's true story.....
let u all see this picture ba...
somemore in this island, the people too relax, and enjoyful, so most of them are fat one....
interesting?well,see next thing...
2nd place: Australia (place name in malay, Terumbu Sumbu Tawar 珊瑚礁)
for the person who dunno diving, there will be one vehicle to help u for view inside sea instead of diving.
what's that?
it's like motor inside the sea, 水上摩托.....
principle is same like motor,but difference just u ride inside the sea only.....
nice hor??a bit la,I wish to have a ride too. lol...
but so bad cant find picture here, and u just imagine u r riding on motor, got oxygen tank for u to breathe inside water, difference just inside water lo~~
1st place: Manono
ok, for this place, it's about interesting traditional food from Samoa people one...
it's mostly served during cricket competition, which held once in 4 yrs....
ingredients used here is buah sukun, and they din use knife to cut, cos long time ago dun have knife one.
they r using tool which looks alike pandan leaf and roll it up to cut the dough....
besides that, hot rock is inside the rock to heat the food lo~~
one of the most fantastic part i like was this's mens' job, which need to use so much power to cook for this food.
Oh ya,forgot to mention about food's name, which is 'Tafolu'....
tradition name for their culture is known as FA A' SAMOA.....
ok, picture time:
So bad once again, cant find food photo for u all,perhaps this food's used traditional way to cook, and not so famous, so people nvr upload the photo ba....
but anyway, those discovery really appeared before, and even taiwan host went to find those place and food.
I quite impressed for those thing...
So next time,wish I can find more interesting thing and something that U nvr seen before too. ^^
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