Wednesday, 1 February 2012

1 week further from computer~~

long time din c lo~
haha...1 week jek,and can't c u all pun~just kidding and nonsense here~
last week is cny week,hav a lot of fun ady~
mostly my fren noe ady,
all equals to >>>chubby and adorable~~
hahaha...muka tebal sini~~
got gathering for secondary frens~
wow~~really missed them and some of them bek for the summer break from Australia lo~~
hav a fun until the max to chat wif them and captured a lot of photo too~~XD

next,will be surprised day for me lo~
like few hrs ago,means yesterday ady,got 2 thing impressed me.
1st one-got 1 auntie from the food stall,she can recognise me during the time we r da pao food, and she's asked me to take angpau from her today~~
woah~~~unbelievable!!!!first time heard person who give angpau to inform others to take angpau~~
i really impressed and she told me to bring old gang of fren there~~
then i wondered which gang of fren did she mentioned??
I got a lot of fren and forgotten which gang of fren that I always bring one~~hahaha..:-p
so I will go to her stall to take angpau but not so bad la,mayb order some food lo~(but sure will earn bek money although order the food one)hehe.....

2nd one-previously I got left the contact number for the rent of unit.
and this is happened almost 1 yr plus ady~~
few hrs ago got people called me for that unit and that person was a guy~~
i really wanna beat him ady,cos after i told him that my unit just got empty room to rent,but he still keep on persuaded me for the empty unit one or gave me many suggestion to rent another room one~~
and he's kept on saying the thing~~
really non stop one,somemore tat time I'm eaten the fruits,and he's kept on said something~~~
can imagine that situation????
really beh tahan him lo~~that guy really long air,first mind that he's kept on said the moment I just think of,he's really a long air guy~~
haiz~~wanna beat him ady...
but I wondered am I still leave contact number somewhere???
or else how can he find the details one???

unexpected day for me yesterday~~
really really impressed and surprised 100%!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :-)

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