hey hey~~
the challenge and terrible time is over for this time,let's having some leisure time for this vacation~
first of all,introduce the oldest steam ship in Queenstown,New Zealand- STeamer Earnslaw.....

and also largest steam ship in New Zealand too~~it consumes 1 tonnes of charcoal for the source of energy~~XD
U can also hav a chance to learn to drive a ship la...(if captain let u for it la)
and for sure,u can see how is it operate inside the ship too~~~
next,wil be some really leisure time for u all...
the place is known as walter peak high country farm queenstown...
u can take this STeamer earnslaw to go there la...

There are many sheeps lO~~aiya,can see this picture then u noe ady~~
u can have many activity there..
for eg,feed a small sheep~~(forgotten the name)
some of them so so cute~~~like u r feeding a human baby,using those bottle to let them suck the milk~~~
ah!!!memang comelnya~~

and adult sheep got so many fur,if u r lying down on their body,feel so soft for it~~~
haha...there's a dog to guard them,can be said that to 'halau' them bek to the cage la....
when the dog is receiving instruction from the owner,it wil not bite or even bark on them,just stare on them,and those sheep will like those soldiers,'marching' here and there,and then go bek into their cage~~~
haha..that scene,really funny la....
u can also cut off those fur from the sheep~~
what do u think the motion to cut off those fur lei???for business??or private use??or??
haha....actually those fur too thick for the sheep,and wil make them feel uncomfortable,so have this action lo~~
then the fur can be used to earn money instead of throw away only lo~~~
the baby sheep just born 2 hrs ago is so cute,and golden colour~~~^^ then the baby will learn to feed the milk from their mother~~~
next will be souvenior time~~
travel to new place sure buy some souvenior la~~this's the place for u to buy unique souvenior and brings some characteristic of new zealand~~~
this place is kapa design gallery~~~
it's a colourful shop too~and it's located in Queenstown Street~~~

there's a traditional weapon inside and also modern souvenior too~~~
next will be eating time~~~
The Cow-dun think got cow there~~`no,no,no~~
it's a shop for u all to eat pizza and pasta there~~

got 1 pizza there very nice,Majesty Pleasure(not really remember full name ady)XD
the ingredients got cheese,tomato and few types of meat~~~u can eat super full there~~

have u worry for accomodation??haha~~have a cheap hostel for u all~~
X Base~~~(forgot full name ady)
there's a nice hostel for u all to having cheap accomodation,and staff will recommend the activity that suit to u all for interest~~~and also u can cook and wash ur clothes there~~
and u can communicate wif others through internet and pooling too~~
oh ya,hav a lake Wanaka very nice there too~~

before u go into Lake Wanaka there,u can stop half way and go to the Mrs jones there to~~~
to buy and eat various type of Kiwi fruits~~woohoo~~various kinds oh~~~so wonderful there~~~hehe...
ok la....there's my new zealand trip here~~~
dun misunderstood,actually those trip just watched from tv show only~~haha~~~
perhaps next wil be challenge trip again~~sayonara~~
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