recently,I have been went out for farewell with friends before I leave kl~~~
there's so many places which I went, as Mid valley,pavilion,klcc,leisure mall, or even nearby stalls in taman connaught~
well,most of them r just shopping malls or food stalls only,but honestly,enough touching due to heart fr my frens~
I can have farewell with some of my frens ,some r same faculty but some r not~
however,for me,simple but touching,can feel our frenship forever!!!
btw,I still cant even hav farewell with some of my coursemates or even good frens, which due to I really busy and rush for everything.
But I believed there's time for us to meet up de...
In addition, there's few memorable photo which I had now and let u all see see...

Chilis in KLCC~~woohoo~~big big portion for food and I'm super full~~
although different course but same channels, and also appreciate our frenship ever after...

KLCC behind me...individual photo~
Only 2 photos uploaded and most of the memorable scenes r saved into my mind ady.
Lastly, one nice card and quote inside which very meaningful~~my best fren gave this to me secretly, which was put it on my table but under table lamp...found it when I packing my stuffs...

handmade quote~so so creative but Willl remember it forever...
Will read it the time I feel cant stand for stress too....
Thanks thanks thanks to all my best frens,coursemates and even others as well...
Wont forget the hand u lend to me,or even small tiny tidy matters...
TQ!!!! ^^