it's a bit late for my birthday blog.due to limited quota for my internet.XD
but anyway,late is better than none.
so now I will update for my appreciation to my frens who celebrated for me before.
as previous blog,U all knew my best fren(yunn er) celebrated for me
one day before my birthday day.
really appreciated to her cos spent so much time to chat wif me too.^^
next,I'm going to post some of photo for birthday presents first.
birthday time:
bunch of my birthday presents....angle not too good,my doll is hidden ady.haha..explaination pls see next photo.
damn nice for angle of captured photo.XD
1st-doll,like plants feeling,natural feel,and the big smile.wah.kept on reminding me 'happy always'.^^
PLS OPEN UR BIG EYES.(FOREVER 21) what's on top of the plastic bag?
2nd-Red underwear or panties.....wah...really a big big surprise fr my coursematesssss....so hot meh?I shy shy one.....lol...
3rd-also from forever 21,a pair of earrings.well,wore it last thurs,not bad for what i felt and mayb next time show it to u all again.^^
4th-yellow bunny lamp,can put in on my table.quite convenient,cos small and recycle,can bring it to everywhere.hehe.....
5th-money,but in form of tissue paper.not dare and felt 'heart pain' once use it for cleaning purpose only.lol....
6th-big box to fill in every thing.damn nice!surprise to see many cuttyyyyy and funnnny thing.thanks anyway.^^
repeated photo,but closer view.^^
after dinner,went to watch new movie 'spiderman'~~XD
This birthday party really surprised me so much,especially ji wei bek fr canada.OMG,really thought she's still have her nice day and sweet time at there for exam and honeymoon.lol...
but sure I wont forget for other fren too:
Carol(big sis for them to plan thing)
jia hui(princess to guide me for that day)
karl (driver?!no,no.a gentleman)
cyril (my sifu ever,celebrated for this good student)
ryan (surprised he came for my birthday party,mayb I'm like those sis in gangster,he's not dare to not come)
loga(thanks to him too)
joe (penang kia)
Really thanks a lot to them for my party and presents too.
Appreciated although it's simple enough ady. TQ VERY MUCHIEEE.^^
next day for my birthday day:
white coffee cake (if not mistaken)
chocolate indulgence (i think so?!)
my fren (minny) celebrated for me by bought these 2 cake to me.enjoyed it after having dinner.hehe...
fat die me but very appreciated for her cos spent some time for my celebration.nice chit-chat time wif her too.hehehehhe...
oh ya,forgot to say that another fren who spent some dinner time wif me before enjoyed cake too. (yoong min) once again,nice chatting time. (found out any similarities?)
yea,it's more to chit-chat time I enjoyed the most.my favourite.hehe....XD
btw,really thanks to whoever celebrated for me,perhaps some r missed out my birthday party or presents,but appreciated their wishes too.wont forger what U have been wished and done to me.thanks a lot,my frenssss......
last photo: