but,it's the truth.
once again,it's related to the last blog,my best fren was leaving to canada for further studies.
now it's stil the time that she should be in plane,and haven reach canada.
And now I stil wanna continue for my blog here,let she ss la,now 2nd time blogging about her dah.
just now watching funny anime,suddenly my tears came out once finished read the carol's blog,cos got her photo.
yea,din saw wrongly,COS GOT HER PHOTO.
I'm a person who always easier to be get touched,or my feeling to be affected easily.
So once saw this photo,it reminds me that how closing r we during the time that she stil in m'sia,chat,study or crap.
I kept on thinking of her,it might be sounds like so strange here,but in my mind,once best fren that I had,then I will remember her or him forever.
SO she is leaving m'sia for her future and study,and I will keep on remember the moment wif her~~
once those memories kept on flashing in my mind,then my tears came out,non-stop,and just crying and crying,waiting it to be stop.
I can tell u,after incidents that happened to me last time,I told myself,wont cry easily,but those moment I really cant avoid myself to not do that,so,U should proud of this cos U r the one who can make me cried~~
(u know it cos i know u r reading for this blog once u read this)
this time,I know my best fren is leaving m'sia,and can see her after 1 yr le.
I know that can buy a flight ticket to meet wif her,or asking her to come bek,but due to $$ problem,what I can do just always keep in contact,chatting wif her on9 only.
although we r knowing each other less than 2 yrs,but I know our friendship wont change easily.
cos u know my horoscope-Cancer,once recognized the fren,then wont betray them.
unless the frens r betraying us,then the friendship will broken forever.
So i can predict our friendship can last longer although we r at different country,cos stil in the earth.
and I'm wished here for her smooth road at there,wont affected by surrounding and find friends that can be helping each other at there.^^

(purposely put this photo for u to remember this blog.hehe....XD)